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benefits of exercise





Being physically active has so many benefits, including but not limited to reducing risk of disease, improving cognitive function, getting a better night's sleep, and even reducing stress and depression!







It has been found that when we exercise, even at a moderate rate, endorphins (the chemicals that make us feel good) are released! Engaging in physical activity also allows us time to focus on the task at hand, preventing us from being able to dwell on whatever might be causing us anxiety.







Being physically active also puts us in positions to socialize more. It allows us to have a healthy coping mechanism. Looking at all of this it’s no wonder so many studies have found levels of depression and anxiety decrease in both the short term and the long term!


There is growing evidence that shows even 10-15 minutes of some sort of physical activity, whether it be tennis or simply going on a walk can have a huge impact on a person's level of anxiety and depression.



















Being physically active does not require money or a ton of time. Just getting your body moving in whatever way you find fun and enjoyable will help in so many ways.

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