What is depression?
We all have felt sad, guilt, shame, and a lack of self-confidence before in our lives. But it is when these feelings are persistent and hindering our daily lives that we may need to take a deeper look and seek help.
Depression can take on many forms and is not a one-size-fits all. If you are unsure if you might be affected by depression, take a look at the following list of symptoms:
Feeling sad
Loss of interest in activities
Changes in feeling of hunger, either more or less
Changes is sleep patterns, either more or less
Feeling of fatigue
Moving or speaking slower
Feelings of guilt, despair, worthlessness
Trouble with cognitive thinking; concentration and or decision making
Suicidal thoughts
If you have felt any of these feelings for more than 2 weeks at a time, you too have been affected by depression. This can be a scary thought, but depression is very common. In fact 1 in 15 people will experience depression this year, and 1 in 6 people will experience it at some point in their lives. It is also more likely for a person to develop depression if their parents, children, or even siblings have also struggled with depression.
The good news? There is hope. We do not have to struggle alone with this disease and we can get better. There are many avenues for getting help from medication, to working with a therapist, and as we are discussing here, exercise! Click on the “Benefits of Exercise” tab above to learn more about how you can take control of your depression today!